kitsilano dentist blog

Strange Dental Practices of the Past
We all know of the strange medical treatments used in the past. You may not be surprised to find that dentists also did strange things way back. Check out these 8 bizarre methods of dental treatments used in the past.
3 Foods That Stain Your Teeth
Nowadays, one of the most common dental procedures performed is teeth whitening, which is one of the less invasive cosmetic dental treatments. Nevertheless, it is extremely popular, and for good reason too. A bright smile radiates beauty, confidence, and health. It...
Realign Your Teeth Invisibly
When you’re looking to realign your teeth, the idea of getting braces can be unappealing. Not only do you have to deal with wires inside your mouth irritating the insides of your cheeks, but you are also subject to months or more of a poor smile, which may put you at...
Natural Whitening Methods
Who doesn't want white teeth? Whitening methods are often performed by dentists for their patients. If you want to try your hand at whitening at home, this article describes some natural whitening methods.
Restorative Dentistry Can Bring Back Your Smile
To keep your teeth clean and in good health, you should be going in to get regular cleanings done every few months, however, if your teeth needs more heavy duty work done, you could start considering looking at your restorative dental options. Teeth that is defective...
Are You At The Right Dentist?
What do people look for in a dentist? When it comes to going to the dentist, choices are plenty in the city of Vancouver. There’s multiple dentists in Kitsilano alone, so it’s not as if your choices are limited in the area that you live in. Each of these dentists are...
What’s Good for Whitening?
At La Vita Dental Centre, we know that a sparkling smile is beautiful. Check out these toothpastes that are great for whitening, dentist recommended.
Want Perfect Teeth? Invisalign is Your Answer
So you’re unhappy with the state of your crooked, misaligned teeth, and you want to do something about it. But your options seem unappealing. You could get braces, which will surely realign your teeth and give you that perfect smile you’ve been dreaming of, going...
Brighten Up Your Smile
When you’re looking for excellence in dentistry, our dentists at La Vita Dental Centre know exactly what you need. It’s our belief that health and beauty are linked, and we strive to ensure that when you smile, it’s a part of you that you are proud of. Our dedication...
The Effects of Tooth Loss
At La Vita Dental Centre we believe in the valuable connection between our smiles and our health. Studies show that tooth loss can lead to depression and anxiety. If you are feeling down because of the state of your teeth, schedule an appointment with us!